• T4 100mg

T4 100mg 

Each box contains 30tabs.

T4 is an excellent fat burner since your metabolism is greatly increased while being on it. With T4 you can afford to be a little sloppier on precontest dieting since it will still burn fat when you are taking in a lot of calories since your metabolism is going haywire.

When T4 is taken with Spiropent, this is the single best fat burning combination that is available today. It also helps to make steroids more effective since it is such a good aid for protein synthesis. Most people should start with a low dosage of T4, about 25 mcgs per day and increase by about one tab or 25 mcgs per day every 5-6 days. Make sure that you don't go over 100 mcgs of T4 per day at the very most. On days that you take multiple T4 tabs, divide the tabs evenly across the day (i.e. 100 mcgs. would be 4 doses of 25 mcgs. apiece spread evenly across the day.) You also need to make sure that you cycle down off T4 as well to keep the thyroid functioning properly. T4 should be taken for 5 weeks maximum. After doing a cycle of T4, make sure you go at least 8 weeks before doing it again as to allow normal thyroid functioning to return. T4 is also popular among female bodybuilders. Since women generally have slower metabolisms than men, it is extremely difficult for them to obtain the right form for a competition given today's standards. A drastic reduc­tion of food and calories below the 1000 calorie/day mark can often be avoided by taking T4.

T4 100mg

  • Product Code: uni pharma
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $8.00